Friday, December 30, 2011

The Beauty in Design Challenge//Week 5

*Congrats to Hannah for winning last week's challenge!*

Christmas is past. So sad. :( But I made our family a little photo card with a family picture and all our names, with a little "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" wish on it. So I figured that would be a nice challenge!

The Rules:
1. Must be a 4x8. Or, 960x1920px.
2. Must include a family photo. Make sure not to include your last name! I changed mine a bit, so our last name is Jones for this challenge! ;)
...and I think that's it! I really can't wait to see yours! ;)

1. To enter, create your photo card and write a blog post about the challenge and your entry, and post your design in your post. Make sure to include a link back here or the button. Then submit the link to your post in the linkup below.
2. Have fun and be creative!


marcia said...

if only my family would corporate and let me get a photo....oh, well.. I'll see what I can come up with..

Who won the last challenge?

Emily Grace said...

I love the idea for this one! =D

Lesbian San Francisco said...

I love the idea of creating a family photo card for this challenge.