Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meet Grace

How old are you, and how many siblings do you have?
I am 12 and the oldest of three kids. My sibs are Faith and Jarrett. {you should totally click the links}

What are your interests?
Photography. School. Dogs.

Favorite hobbies?
I love photography, blogging, and dancing. SO FUN!

Favorite subject in school?
History. Totally History.

When did you become interested in graphic design?
Umm...about two weeks ago. No, I'm not kidding. I'm hoping I'll learn more from being a part of Beauty In Design ;)

Biggest goal for this year?
Right now, pass the term test ;)

What are you looking forward to the most in being a part of this community?
Learning much more about designing! I don't know much (yet)...

What's your favorite program to use when designing?
Picasa 3.9

The big question - Mac or PC?

Do you have a personal blog we can connect with you on?
Of course! {click here to see it}

My email:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you joined, Grace! :)